Thursday 6 October 2011

Email from the IPA to its members

Here is the text of an E.mail sent to all IPA (International Psychoanalytical Association) Members: Detainment of a Syrian Analyst

Dear IPA Members,

Some of you may no doubt have already heard about the plight of the Syrian analyst, Rafah Nached. She was detained by Syrian authorities as she attempted to board a flight to Paris on the 10th of September and she is currently being held in a women’s prison near Damascus. Apparently, the Syrian authorities have construed her efforts to help Syrians who have suffered traumatic loss/anxiety during the recent upheavals as subversive. Rafah is a French-speaking, Lacanian analyst, who received her degree in clinical psychology from the University of Paris-Diderot. She is the first female psychoanalyst to practise in Syria and is a founder of the Damascus School of Psychoanalysis. As analytic colleagues, we share a deep concern for Rafah’s well-being (the situation is made more pressing due to the fact that she is suffering from cancer, heart trouble, and high blood pressure). We hope that she will soon be released and that she will be able to return to her family and practice. I am aware of two on-line petitions that seek her release: ( 10402.html; The Presidents of the SPP (Société Psychanalytique de Paris) and the EPF (European Psychoanalysis Federation) have signed a petition of behalf of their organizations. I will shortly sign a petition as President of the IPA. With best wishes, Charles

Professor Charles Hanly IPA President

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